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Want Help Without Driving to an Appointment

Find out what is wrong and what can be done to help from the comfort of your own home with Online Visits

Stop letting pain, weakness, stiffness, or injury limit you from doing the things you enjoy

Get Help Online

Many common musculoskeletal problems such as back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, kneepain, muscle strains, tendon pain, and sport injuries can be helped with online visits.

Through a secure, online meeting format, I will ask detailed questions and perform an examination to diagnose your problem and determine what the best treatment options are for you. Then, I will teach you treatment techniques that you can use to get back to living pain-free and doing all of the things you want to do.

This can all be done from the comfort of your own home or office. No need to try and schedule two hours out of your day to travel and park at an appointment. These visits can be done for anyone living in Wisconsin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Telehealth, the use of electronic communication to remotely provide health care information and services, is gaining more and more attention as providers and patients look to achieve cost-efficient ways to deliver care. Physical therapy is no exception, and while those services have developed mostly in rural areas to accommodate the long distances between patients and providers, telehealth in physical therapy is being considered in other geographic and clinical settings.

The complex US health care system is under a tremendous amount of pressure. Many traditional health care business models are designed to allow high-volume, low-cost procedures to offset the costs of low- volume, high-cost procedures. ​

In physical therapy, patients are asking for more time-efficient and less costly care models. Their busy lifestyles also can make it difficult for them to attend traditional appointments.​​

Applications of telehealth in physical therapy already have roots that expand throughout patient care and consultation, as it allows PTs to better communicate with patients and provide more flexible care.

The vast majority of common musculoskeletal injuries and complaints are suitable for online physical therapy. If we determine however, that your situation is not  all suitable for an online diagnosis or treatment in physical therapy, I will make recommendations on how to get the care you would need.

If you would like to know before scheduling if you are a good candidate for online physical therapy, you can request to speak with a PT on the phone.

Good news for you! In the state of Wisconsin, you do not need a referral to be evaluated and treated by a therapist at our clinic.

Absolutely. While there are many musculoskeletal injuries or complaints that can be managed via online consultations, some conditions do benefit from ‘hands-on’ assessment and treatment. If it is determined that this would be best for you, we will discuss options.

Even in the clinic, physical therapy evaluations start with a “subjective assessment” in which the therapist will ask a series of questions to discover what they need to know about your injury. By the end of this Q & A, the therapist should have a very clear idea of your diagnosis, based on the information obtained. At this point, the therapist may perform some hands-on tests to confirm their assessment.

Similarly, in an online session, the therapist will have you perform certain movement and ask further questions after each of these movement, and will assess your feedback regarding each phase of the evaluation. This process will clarify the diagnosis and lead to the most likely solutions.    

A common misconception of pain and injury treatment is that it must involve hands-on treatment. In reality, most conditions can be treated and improved with education, identifying contributing personal lifestyle and fitness factors, as well as implementing a specific exercise or movement program.

Modern physical therapy is no longer reliant on complex machines and manual techniques, and is trending towards guided self-care and personalized rehabilitation programs, granting you much needed control of your recovery. Research has shown that outcomes are enhanced, if not realistically better through online consultation, due to the personal empowerment and easy facilitation offered.

And, as always, if I determine you have a condition that would benefit from hands-on treatment, I will let you know immediately.

If you are viewing this page, you can successfully complete and consultation and treatment session. Our secure, third-party platforms tailor your consultation to the equipment and bandwidth you have available. If there are any difficulties, we will work with you until they are resolved. If you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to contact us.

Is Online/Telehealth Right for Me?

Have you been struggling with a problem and not sure what is causing it?
You are busy, and don’t have time to drive to an appointment?
Have you seen other health care providers for your problem without any benefit?
Do you want to make sure that I can help you with your particular problem?
You no longer want to be limited by your pain or injury and want to know what you can do about it?
Rest or stopping what you enjoy are not options?

​Not Sure Online Visits are Right For You?

I understand- online visits are something new and you may not be sure that your problem can be helped in this format. That is why I offer a free consultation (I call them Discovery Visits) online. This will allow me to learn more about your problem and will allow you a chance to find out what is causing your problem, what can be done about it, and if an online visit might be appropriate for you. You can request Discovery visit by clicking the button to the right.


All information on this website is intended for instruction and informational purposes only. The authors are not responsible for any harm or injury that may result. Significant injury risk is possible if you do not follow due diligence and seek suitable professional advice about your injury. No guarantees of specific results are expressly made or implied on this website.

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