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Bob Brady

Sarcopenia – Why You Should Be Concerned

Starting in our mid-thirties, most of us lose a percentage of our muscle mass every year. This age-related decline in muscle mass is called sarcopenia and has been associated with decline in our physical performance (walking speed, getting out of chairs, balance, lifting things) as well as the overall longevity of our lives. A lot Sarcopenia – Why You Should Be Concerned

To Scope or Not To Scope….

If you are middle-aged or older, there may come a time when you experience some knee pain. You may see your doctor who will order and MRI, and it likely will show a meniscus tear. After a visit to an orthopedic surgeon, having your knee scoped will be recommended. But…is this really needed? Is this To Scope or Not To Scope….

Shoulder MRI on Volleyball Players – What Can We Learn?

Elite level volleyball players’ shoulders are amazing. As shown in the photo, they have an extraordinary amount of motion and are able to create a lot of force and power to hit the ball as hard as they do. In order to do this, we would expect that the structure/anatomy of their shoulders to be Shoulder MRI on Volleyball Players – What Can We Learn?

Hip Labral Problems – Surgery Only Option?

Hip labral tears as a cause of hip pain has increased substantially over the past few years. In fact, if you are in an active community group, you most likely know someone who has been diagnosed with this and gone through a surgery or perhaps, you have been diagnosed with one yourself. In this article, Hip Labral Problems – Surgery Only Option?

Hip Strengthening – What is Best?

Strengthening of the muscles surrounding the hip has been shown to be beneficial in helping to  manage pain in the hips and knees. In addition, improving hip strength can  improve athletic performance in running and jumping activities. Based on this, hip strengthening should be a consistent part of your regular strength training. However, to do Hip Strengthening – What is Best?

“Text Neck” – Is It A Thing?

“Text Neck” is a new diagnosis that has come about as smartphone and tablet usage has increased. Some medical people will attribute looking down at the device as a cause of neck pain and promote limiting use or holding the device straight in front of you to keep from bending your neck. Does looking down “Text Neck” – Is It A Thing?

10 Sciatica Facts

Sciatica is a term most people are familiar with and is many times used to describe pain down the leg that is thought to arise from the back. Although it can be very painful at first, the long-term prognosis is very good for most people. In this Blog, I would like to share some facts 10 Sciatica Facts

Movement – Is there a “Right” Way?

“Movement is Medicine.” This is a commonly used saying when talking about getting people more healthy. It can also apply when helping people recover from pain or injury. More research is showing that movement, activity, and strengthening can help people recover faster. In this Blog, I am going to talk about movement and whether or Movement – Is there a “Right” Way?

Back Pain and Running – Do You Need to Give It Up?

I recently worked with a client who enjoys running but had been struggling with some back pain that limited her running. She met with a physician who recommended that she stop running because it is bad for her back. Because she really enjoyed both the physical and psychological benefits that she received from running, she Back Pain and Running – Do You Need to Give It Up?

Tendon Pain At The Knee – Patellar Tendonitis Treatment

There are many types of knee pain. One thing that can help us in determining where your knee pain is coming from is its location. If you feel pain in your knee in the area below your knee cap when you go down stairs, squat, or initially when you walk or run, it is likely Tendon Pain At The Knee – Patellar Tendonitis Treatment


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